Category Archives: Money

20 Amazing Products “Shark Tank” Doesn’t Want The World To See

One of the first things you learn in inventing school is “Always Be Inventing.” Actually, that was the only thing I learned in inventing school, because right after our instructor told us that, he was killed by the Murdering Chalkboard™ he had just invented.

Luckily, I was in the back of the room, grabbing a cup of coffee and well outside of the Murdering Chalkboard™’s stabbing range.

My classmates weren’t so fortunate, though. Those steak knives cut through them like steak knives through half a metaphor. Within seconds, that Murdering Chalkboard™ was covered in their blood, but not before I had written down the most important lesson of that day: “Always Be Inventing.”

Twenty inventions later, I have 20 amazing products that could change this world. Probably for the better.

The only problem is that my inventing school experience was cut short before I got to learn about patents and getting Los Angeles Angels as investors and stuff.

Someone else saw that problem and invented a solution called “Shark Tank.”

Well, new problem. “Shark Tank” and its cast of investors have ignored every single one of the 20 brilliant inventions I’ve tweeted at them.

Seriously, Barbara Corcoran, how do you ignore “Astronaut Yogurt?” 

Mark Cuban may be a billionaire, but it’s obvious he doesn’t recognize billion dollar ideas like my “J’accuzi” hot tub for district attorneys.

The world needs these products, which is why I’m officially cutting out “Shark Tank” as the middle-man and giving them straight to the people.

David Stern as Bible Characters


David Stern as King Solomon

Woman 1: King Solomon, this woman is trying to take my baby!

Woman 2: It’s MY baby!

David Stern: Well, I’ll just cut the baby in half and you can each take your share.

Woman 1: What?!? Nooooooooooooo!

Woman 2: Ok.

David Stern: I’m just kidding! I’m moving the baby to Oklahoma City.


David Stern as Jacob

Joseph: Yo, dad! Check out my new coat of many colors!

David Stern: You’re in violation of the dress code. You’ll be sitting out tonight’s goat-herding match against Egypt.


David Stern as Peter

Sick woman: If I could just get through this crowd and touch Jesus, I’ll be healed.

Jesus: Someone just touched the hem of my garment.

David Stern: TECHNICAL FOUL!!!!


David Stern as Pontius Pilate

Angry Crowd: Rawrrarghharngh!!!!

David Stern: I’ll let you pick one of these two to set free. Do you want to free Jesus or Barabbas?

Angry Crowd: Give us Barabbas!

David Stern: Tell you what, we’ll put each of their names in an envelope, and I will randomly choose one of those envelopes which will not at all be frozen.


David Stern as Jesus

David Stern: In three days, I will raise my body from the dead.

Thomas: Tim Donaghy has been telling people you’d do it in less than two days.

David Stern: Who does he think I am, Dwayne Wade?!?

The Fail-Proof Resume

Are you one of the nation’s ungainfully unemployed?  Or maybe you have a “temporary” full-time job that affords you just enough of a lunch break to scour CareerBuilder behind closed doors, while you wolf down the Banana Strawberry low-fat yogurt that has someone else’s name on it?

It all comes down to the resume, kiddos.  If you have that, you have the job.

But, creating the perfect resume is so hard, right?  If only there were an online template not a lot of people knew about that would guarantee me that perfect position.

Hi.  I’m Greg Brainos, and I’m going to help you build a resume that’s going to piss on all the other resumes in that stack.  There may be some residual splash, but your resume won’t have nearly as much urine on it as the other ones.

First of all, let’s talk delivery of your ticket to the chocolate factory.  All the other lemmings will be e-mailing their boring encapsulations of work and school and that’s advantage number one for you when you have your friend dress in a butler’s uniform and hand-deliver your resume to your future employer.  Make sure he uses a silver platter for the resume.  IT’S SYMBOLIC.  Also, make him promise to shower off all the marijuana smell before he dons the tailcoats.

As for the resume itself, follow this template and you’ll be calling me for lunch next week from the phone in your new corner office (remember to dial “*9” first, since it’s an outbound call).

Name. This is the most important part.  It’s who you are, so don’t skimp on the font.  Think 40 pt. or larger.  If you can import your glittering Myspace name graphic, bring a key to the interview, because you’re a lock.

Address. List an address within 500 feet of the company.  They’ll read, “786 Whitaker Ave.” as “786 Will Never Be Late to Work Ave.”  Idiots.

Funny joke. Everyone loves a funny joke, unless they’re trying to watch The Reader.  So, preface the joke with, “Are you watching The Reader while reading this?  If so, turn it off, because: 1) that’s pretty unprofessional and 2) you won’t enjoy it as much.  Now, a Jew, a German, and Shoeless Joe Jackson walk into a bar…”

Objective. Just write, “I really want to work for your company” 307 times (bold font, obviously).  When they read the first one, they’ll think, “Ok, everyone says that.”  After about 15 more, that changes to, “Wow, this person is serious.”  Once it gets up in the 60’s, it’s more, “Allllright, this is starting to get obnoxious.”  Right around 240 is when they go, “Whoa, this maniac will most certainly kill all of us if we don’t immediately extend an offer.”

How many degrees removed are you from Kevin Bacon? If your interviewer is worth their salt, they’re going to ask this question in the interview, so go ahead and answer it for them on the resume.  This should go without saying, but write out the names of the people that connect you to Kevin Bacon.

Education. Whatever you do, don’t be an idiot and take yourself out of the running by writing, “The School of Hard Knocks.”  Write, “The University of Hard Knocks.”

Picture of a cat. Fact, all resumes are screened by HR women with realtor haircuts.  Fact, these women love cats.  Given those facts, why not slap a picture of a cat on the resume and earn some extra points?  The pictured cat doesn’t have to be wearing pajamas, but that certainly doesn’t hurt.

Professional experience. This is your chance to show off how diverse you are, professionally.  All you have to do is list impressive jobs on which they’ll never be able to follow-up.  Roadie for U2.  Make-up artist/script editor for Gilmore Girls.  Pediatrician for Doctors Without Borders (if they ask how you practiced medicine without a degree, tell them that’s what the “without borders” means).

Condemn racism. At this point, they’ll be thinking, “This person is so unbelievably overqualified and smart, he MUST be racist.”  You need to go ahead and shut that down RIGHT NOW.

Skills. “Making delicious seven-layer taco lasagna for Potluck Fridays.“ “Spot-on impression of the Transformers ‘transforming’ noise.”  Along those lines.  Always include, “Can fix copier jams,” because, chances are, their copier is currently jammed.

Strengths. A common fallacy is to over-think this one.  They want to know the literal limits of your strength: bench-press, reps, and 40-yard-dash.

Weaknesses. This one is not literal.  Just write, “Generous to a fault.”  When asked about this in the interview, just give the interviewer $20 and apologize.

References. Kevin Bacon.  List the telephone numbers of the people that connect you to him.

Abe Lincoln: Employee of the Month or Douchebag?

It’s very early in our education that Americans learn the stories of “Honest Abe,” the*cough*teenth President of the United States. Certainly, the most famous of these tales and the one that earned Abe his nickname is the story about Offutt’s General Store employee Abe Lincoln walking three miles to return six cents to a woman he had accidentally overcharged.

That wasn’t the extent of Abe’s honesty, though. Lincoln made another six-mile trek to return six and a quarter cents he had overcharged yet another woman.

Think he might have subconsciously been giving women “the business” in a business sense because he was sexist? Think again, Poncho. Ol’ scruffy beard took four cents too much from a gentleman and, when realizing the error, closed the store early and walked four miles to return the difference.

On another occasion, Lincoln neglected to notice a four-ounce weight on a scale while he was weighing some tea, and ended up walking several miles to correct his error.

So, yeah, “Honest Abe” is one name you could give him. You could also be correct in calling him “That douchebag down at the general store that always overcharges you, then shows up at your house hours later, banging on the door and waking your 19 kids.”

Let us be the honest ones right now – Abe liked taking walks on company time, so he was careless in his cashier duties as a means to an end. This moron closed the store early to return four cents. What about all the customers that showed up to Offutt’s General Store to find it prematurely closed? That’s more than four cents worth of business and trust. I’m not going to say he had it coming to him, but…

Some bets are off!

I’m going to postpone the fantasy horsey racing schedule by one day, because I want to give a prize to the winner and I’d like everyone to have an adequate amount of time to literally pick their horse.

So, Saturday evening I will post the names of the eight horses and their odds of winning the race. Everyone will have a day to make their picks and on Sunday evening, I will use a fancy online horse racing simulator to determine the winner. I will try to capture video of the race.


A quick and basic guide to Craps

Wedding season is gearing up, which means it’s time for awful choices in bridesmaid’s dresses and dude trips to Vegas.

The bridesmaid’s dresses part, I can’t help you with.  It’s your day to be beautiful, so you’re going to stick all those skinny bitches in a shiny green 8-layer McCall’s dress with asymmetrical shoulder flair.  But, for you fellas, I’m about to give you the key to the Bellagio’s vault when I explain the unexplainable – how to win and how not to not win at Craps.



The only thing you need to remember when you’re playing Craps is that no one knows what the hell is going on – not even the casino employees.

Here’s what happens when you “shoot” Craps: after you throw the dice, everyone looks at the stickman because they mistakenly think he knows the rules.  If no one says anything, the stickman will shout, “Aww!  Too bad!” and shovel in the chips.  This happens 98% of the time.  What you want to do is throw the dice, immediately shout, “Yeah!” and jump up and down while pumping your fist.  This will excite the rest of the table and they will join in your celebration.  The stickman will notice your group celebration and think, “Hmm, I guess he won!” and the base dealers will take a handful of whatever chips they think are the prettiest and start handing them out to everyone at the table, even to the people that didn’t place bets.

VEGAS, baby!

The evolution of pyramid schemes

We all have our gullible moments.  Actually, that’s not true – it’s really only a small percentage of the population that is truly gullible, but you fell for that statement, didn’t you?  Idiot.

“Gullibles” come in all shapes and sizes.  Small dodecahedrons, usually, but there are also other variations.  Some of us greedier types fell for the Nigerian prince scam, even though we knew Nigeria doesn’t have a prince, because it’s not a real country.  Emotionally-driven gullibles are still unaware that Susan Boyle was lip-synching, something the rest of us knew immediately, as it is impossible for unattractive people to sing well.

Is it even necessary to delve into the “First Man on the Moon” bullshit that fooled everyone?  Keep chanting “U-S-A” all you want Americans, it won’t change the face that JESUS was the first man on the moon.  He used to fly up there to make astronaut ice cream, which he would bring back for his disciples, but Bartholomew was clumsy and would always drop his in the sand and if you don’t believe THAT, then you’re going to HELL and your firstborn will turn into a giant lizard on his seventh birthday!

The most popular scam as of late is the “Pyramid Scheme.”  It’s been around for a while and it can get pretty complicated, so I’ll walk you through a brief history of pyramid schemes.

The first pyramid scheme is invented in 2877 B.C., when the Pharaoh yells at his Head Servant for walking around with a sandal strap undone.  That head servant then yells at the eight Assistant Head Servants for failing to notice, and each of those douchebags run off to yell at their 16 Servants for failing to notice the fail to notice.  Well, the 128 Servants all get pretty pissed off and go outside for a smoke break.  When a well-intentioned passer-by informs the Servants that smoking can cause cancer, they all beat the shit out of him and that guy has to build a pyramid.

In 1284 A.D., a slick marketing campaign informs Austrian townspeople that if they “Pay the Pied Piper,” they will get a 800% return on their investment, plus their own brewery.  Two months later, the Pied Piper is seen riding out of town in a brand new horse-drawn carriage packed with all the townspeople’s kids.

In 1284 A.D., a slick marketing campaign informs Austrian townspeople that, “Hey, sorry about taking your kids and all, I feel really badly about that and if you’ll just give me your bank account number, the Pied Piper wants to put all that money back.”

Adolf Hitler employs a pyramid recruitment strategy for the Hitler Youth in 1941.  They end up with a lot of brilliant scientists and a pope.

In 2009, Bernie Madoff is convicted of defrauding investors out of more than $50 billion through a pyramid scheme known as a “Ponzi.”  He faces up to 150 years in prison, where he will become familiar with yet another variation of the pyramid scheme called, “The Rape Pyramid Scheme.”

This is a limited-time offer.

Dear Mark Cuban,

As a billionaire, you receive a considerable amount of requests for monetary hand-outs, but how many of those people are willing to do something in return for the money?

I AM. And, as such, I have put together a menu of sorts, that lists all the things I’ll do for a bit of cash. You can pick one item, four items, however many you’d like.

$9 – I will open my front door and yell to the world, “Mark Cuban paid me nine dollars to shout this!”

$260 – I will get a Dallas Mavericks tattoo on my right ankle (this will be my first tattoo).

$500 – I will get a Mark Cuban tattoo on my left ankle.

$800 – I will drink only V8 for one week (I fucking HATE V8, Mark Cuban).

$1,000 – I will watch Hotel For Dogs, THREE TIMES IN A ROW.

$5,000 – I will dress up in a Dallas Mavericks cheerleader outfit and walk around Dallas for a day.

$10,000 – I will learn how to spell Dirk Novitskee’s last name.

$15,000 – I will fly to Las Vegas and bet $12,000 on the Dallas Mavericks winning the 2009 NBA Championship.

$50,000 – I will teach Erik Dampier how to catch a basketball pass.

$50,100 – I will teach Erik Dampier how to shoot a basketball shot from 4-6 feet out.

$100,000 – I will legally change my name to “Mark Cuban Isagenius.” Or, you can pick a name. I will never change it.

$500,000 – I will don a referee’s uniform and sit beside you at Dallas Mavericks games. You can smack me in the head and yell at me as much as you want.

$1,000,000 – I will eat my own poop. For serious, Mark Cuban.

I’m ready to do any of these right now. And, for only 15% of Erick Dampier’s 2009 salary, you can buy EVERYTHING on the menu. That has to be a better deal than 5.7 points per game, no?

Your fan,

Greg Brainos